I slept really late!!! It’s a good thing I edited today’s video last night. Magnus and I are going to the docks in Örnsberg, where Ulf will join us.
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#GAYSINTHERAYS #gay #gays #swimming #örnsberg #dunkindonuts #jetty #sunbathe #brygga #stockholm #dive #bada #cocktail #ulfnordlander #magnusboren #ica #aspudden #sola #swim #summer #stockholm #mälaren #sushi #tomcollins #suntan #overslept #tanning #bike #bikeride #balcony
GAYS IN THE RAYS, gay, gays, swimming, örnsberg, dunkin donuts, jetty, sun bathe, brygga, stockholm, dive, bada, cocktail, ulf nordlander, magnus boren, ica, aspudden, sola, swim, summer, stockholm, mälaren, sushi, tom collins, suntan, overslept, tanning, bike, bike ride, balcony