- A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, med Polar Eclipse Theatre, på Parkteatern, Galärparken:
Från Parkteaterns hemsida:
One of Shakepeare’s best loved comedies set in a 1960´s hippie commune present all the fun and amorousness of the original within a world of free love, peace, psychedelic visions, and altered states of consciousness.
As two pairs of troubled lovers enter the woods, the fairies and spirits interact with their magic. Will the lovers end up with their true love or not?
Shakespeares mest välkända komedi utspelar sig i 1960-talets hippie kollektiv med peace, love and understanding. Men vad händer när älvorna och andarna blandar sig i de två kärleksparens lekar?
Av William Shakespeare
Regi: Neil Rutherford
Regi: Neil Rutherford
I rollerna:
Theseus/Oberon: David Inghamn
Hipployta/Titania: Kudzai Chimbaira
Egeus/Puck: Denny Lekström
Hermia: Cheryl Murphy
Helena: Cilla Silvia
Lysander/Quince: Pontus Olgrim
Demetrius/Bottom: Chris Killik
Polar Eclipse Theatre
Theseus/Oberon: David Inghamn
Hipployta/Titania: Kudzai Chimbaira
Egeus/Puck: Denny Lekström
Hermia: Cheryl Murphy
Helena: Cilla Silvia
Lysander/Quince: Pontus Olgrim
Demetrius/Bottom: Chris Killik
Polar Eclipse Theatre
In English
Neil Rutherford is an actor, director, producer and composer with a multi-award winning performer who has had leading roles in a number of original West End casts opposite actors lika Sir Ian McKellen, and performers as Shirley Bassey and Barry Manilow.